This is a terrific piece by Edward Segal, CAE in Forbes. Segal has pulled together solid advice from a broad group of experts. OK, I’m biased because I’m quoted:) Beyond my bias, this is a good overview of proven practices for corporate crisis preparedness.

“Crisis teams succeed or fail as teams—this is not an individual sport. In my research, ego-driven behavior is one of the more common contributors to degraded team performance. They have to trust each other and the process they will follow.” This is important because unless teams get used to working together in routine times, they are unlikely to gel when it matters most. They need to understand each other’s priorities, styles, and quirks. They should use a common vocabulary and develop shared decision-making protocols. Most important, they have to have each others’ backs and be willing to speak hard truths to each other. All of that building takes time. Start now.